Clinical Supervision Special Interest Group


Clinical Supervision is a core component of contemporary professional mental health nursing practice and central to practicing within the ACMHN Standards of Practice for Australian Mental Health Nurses.

Mental health service employers positively support and actively promote demonstrably efficacious clinical supervision, through organisational policies, procedures, and workplace culture. All mental health nurses, and nurses working in mental health facilities,  are fully orientated to clinical supervision upon entry to the mental health workforce and thereafter engage in sustained and meaningful clinical supervision, whatever their role and wherever they practice.

Supervisors access appropriate bona fide educational preparation for this role and, whether clinical supervision is delivered in dyads or within groups. Regular systematic evaluations of the quality and efficacy of clinical supervision arrangements are undertaken at local service level.

The ACMHN undertakes to actively promote each of these positions and lobby funding agencies to consider large-scale robust programs of outcomes-related research at state and national levels, to further strengthen the evidence base of Clinical Supervision and to justify continued investment of public funds.



The CS SIG provides a number of resources for people with an interest in clinical supervision.


Australian Clinical Supervision Association

The Australian Clinical Supervision Association is an organisation promoting the practice of clinical supervision. They provide a large number of resources that you might find useful.

Effective clinical supervision poster

To better understand the Consultation Liaison specialty area, the CL SIG conducted a survey amongst its members highlighting the kind of roles CL nurses work in, what titles they use, and how much they enjoy their work.

Position statement & background paper: Clinical Supervision for Nurses & Midwives

This document outlines why the ACMHN, the Australian College of Midwives, and the Australian College of Nursing recommends clinical supervision to all nurses and midwives irrespective of their specific role, are of practice, and years of experience. 

How to Make the Most of the Clinical Supervisory Relationship

Download the slides of the masterclass that was presented at the International Conference in September 2022. The foundation for the masterclass was the position statement with a focus on the elements that are associated with effective clinical supervision with an aim to make these elements come to life and understand of how to make the most of the clinical supervisory relationship as a supervisee and supervisor.

Nurse and Midwife Support Podcast: Clinical supervision with Julie Sharrock

In this episode Julie Sharrock, an experienced Credentialed Mental Health Nurse and clinical supervisor, talks about the importance of clinical supervision. Pod host Mark Aitken and Julie explore the benefits and why professional self-care as an essential form of support for nurses and midwives.

Reflective Practice Groups as a form of supervision

In this Insight webinar, Clinical Nurse Consultant Chris Dawber explores how Reflective Practice Groups can support the interpersonal aspects of caring and explore complex clinical and practice issues in a supportive group environment.

Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative

The Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative (CSRC) is a free meeting place, a forum, a learning hub for all those interested in advancing the practice of clinical supervision around the globe. 

Generic Supervision Assessment Tool

The Generic Supervision Assessment Tool was developed and validated for benchmarking supervisor competencies by supervisor, supervisees, and third-party assessors.

Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale© [MCSS-26©]

The MCSS-26© is a research questionnaire which can be used to evaluate the provision of clinical supervision to a variety of health/social care professions and fieldwork locations.

Join the SIG

If you want to join this SIG, you will have to log into the membership portal first. The SIG is open to all members with an interest in clinical supervision.

Sign in to the member area.